What we do
Why not try our FREE venue finding service. We can offer a personal service whatever your venue/event requirements. We will do our best to negotiate the best rate for you and there’s no obligation once you receive our proposal. With over 20 years’ experience working in the events industry we can provide unique and professional advice on venues.
Who we are
We are a small company that cares about our customers and will take the TIME to search for the right venue for your needs. We won’t turn things around in 2 hours as we believe we won’t find you exactly what you are looking for in that time, give us 24 hours and we will get back to you with at least 3 options for your requirement within your proposed budget and we won’t miss the detail. Here at Clockwise we have experience of being the client in a corporate environment so we can relate to and understand the demands put upon you and the frustrations that you may have with using event planning companies, let us help!
We can search for...
Whether it’s for a conference venue, seminar, Gala dinner, team building or activity day, exhibitions, roadshows or simply a corporate meeting room we can help and we can also find your accommodation and make your hotel booking on your behalf. We search for all types of venues across the UK in cities such as Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh, London, Cardiff and Leeds. Previous venues we have sourced include hotels, sporting venues, historic venues, private venues and the unusual, whatever your need is we will endeavour to match it.